Sunday, November 15, 2009


What a wonderful learning experience. I knew that these things existed, but didn't really know how to use them or why I would need to - now I have a whole new perspective. I love my iGoogle page and have actually had to deactivate my facebook page because I found I was spending WAY too much time on it and not enough time on the rest of my life!!!

This is a great way to pace a course - I've put in some big blocks of time when I've had it and been able to put it all aside when my work/family commitments needed to take precedence. I've also found myself playing around with the various tools frequently in between blogging about them...

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!
    I'm so glad you have found some of these task useful. I know exactly what you mean about facebook it is the most addictive thing but I think I've finally reached the point where I can manage my addiction and I now only have to check it once a day.
    Thank you so much for your efforts:)
