Saturday, October 3, 2009

#9: Explore virtual worlds

So much to do... As someone who plays games like Oblivion and The Sims - on my own consoles without internet connectivity - these really feel like an extension of them... however I still prefer playing in my own worlds where I have complete control!

While I can see that many people find joining in online games fun and use it as a way to create dialogues with people from all over the world (I have colleagues who play WoW, I'm not so sure that there are a lot of valuable educational applications, particualrly within my scope as a primary school teacher-librarian. The security risks are just too high.

I guess there are some uses in a tertiary education environment - but is it really necessary when there are so many other information delivery/collaborative formats readily available? Surely the temptation to explore other areas within a virtual world reduces its effectiveness as an educational tool...

I would be very concerned about

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